Excerpt from Catherine Disher’s Interview Podcast




-Speaking of that, are we going to see,more of you and Dottie?

-Yeah, I think you…I’m trying to remember, I think you see us going at it quite a bit this season…and, there’s a lot more of Tom this season which is nice…


-um because of our gran- you know our grandchild being born and, um…and, it’s just nice to…I was like, when, you know, in past years when Martha didn’t have a date to large events it was: where’s Tom? I don’t know…[laughs]
but it’s always fun working with Paul Miller who plays Tom, he’s sort of the, the quintessential sort of, morally upright, good guy…small town good guy you know….and he really is like that in real life too, not a small-town good guy but he’s just a very…he is, you know, he is what he appears to be, even in real life

-well I really liked that plot last year with the whole thing where he runs against you…

-Oh that’s right, yeah…

-that was good

-he doesn’t antagonize me as much this season…which is good for his health….
-yeah [laughs]


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