Happy 20th Birthday, Psi Factor!!! (and new article update)

September 28, 2016 admin updates 0 comments


Today marks the 20th anniversary of a beloved show for many of us,Psi Factor:Chronicles of the Paranormal πŸ™‚
for many, including myself,this was the show we first got to know much beloved Nancy Sakovich and Paul Miller.for some others,you probably watched it at least,to get another chance to see your already favorite stars; and in case you haven’t watched it yet, I suggest it’s the time to do it! πŸ˜‰
It’s been 20 years since this show first hit the TV screen,and it’s still alive in our hearts! So let’s celebrate it in some way!!

You can share your memories,opinion,and any message you like to tell about this show and its incredibly amazing cast, by signing the GuestbookΒ  !!

You can also visit and share your comments on the facebook pages for Nancy Anne Sakovich and Paul Miller !


There is also a new article update on the site special for Psi Factor.


Wish you all a nice time,
Happy Birthday Psi Factor!!! πŸ™‚



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